Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Then and Now


Once upon a time I used to be a Utah Jazz Dancer, and I thought I was the shiz. I never realized how amazing the experience was until I got cut the next year. Oh well, life goes on. I had so much fun doing that and I thought it was over until I got a call a few weeks ago from a friend I used to dance with telling me that the Jazz were going to have a retro night and that all the old dancers were invited back for a night.
Seeing all of my old friends that I hadn't seen in 10 years brought back so many fun memories.

p.s. take a look at what I wrote about myself on my card. I was pretty intelligent. I especially love the part where I say that my favorite color is silver. I'm so unique.


Dancing at that game was so much fun and what made it even better was that my kids got to come and see what their mommy used to do, even if it was a little inappropriate for children.

My dad did the quintessential dad thing and made a video of my dances.
You can view it here. Enjoy!

I will always and I will Never

1. I will always be a speedy driver.
2. I will always wear my emotions on my sleeve.
3. I will always be able to listen to the same music over and over again without getting sick of it.
4. I will always be a clean freak.
5. I will always love my family like no other.

1. I will never use store bought frosting.
2. I will never be as creative as I wish I was.
3. I will never be good with words.
4. I will never be the spiritual giant that I wish I could be....but I will keep trying.
5. I will never say "no" to anyone in need.

To the 4 people that read my blog....tag, you're it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

B-Rad turns 5

I am in shock. I cannot believe that I have a five year old. One minute you're carrying them around in your arms and the second you blink they've grown into a little person.
Brady has taught me a lot these last 5 years. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when we had him. Not that he has been a hard kid, because that is not the case at all. Of course we've had our ups and downs, but being a first time mom is not an easy job. I think after 5 years I'm just starting to get this whole mom thing down and I look forward to see my Brady grow.
Here are a few reasons why I love him so much.
  1. I love that he will want to say a prayer every night. Even if he falls asleep before I put him in bed he will always wake up and tell me that we forgot to pray.
  2. I love how he tells me how far he loves me. This week he loves me farther than neverland. (last week it was farther than Russia and the week before that it was Omaha)
  3. I love how he wants to learn. He is so smart it's ridiculous. All he ever wants to do is read, and he is getting so good at it.
  4. I love the funny things he says. My favorite Brady quotes are any that include why Jesus created something. For example: "Why did Jesus create skunks? Because they're not beautiful at all." or "Why did Jesus create weeds?"
  5. I love that he tries to try his best. He's struggled with that throughout his short life but he is getting a lot better with it.
  6. I love how he loves to cuddle. His love language is definitely physical touch. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you can find it here.
  7. I love how he is such a good big brother and loves Parker so much.
  8. I love how he always wants to help me. Cleaning, cooking, errands, whatever it is he's always wanting to help out.
  9. I love how sensitive he is. Especially with those around him. He's is very aware of other people's feelings.
  10. Mostly I love Brady.


It's hard to believe that our marriage is turning 8 years old today. We've grown so much together as a couple in such a short amount of time and I am so thankful that I have such an amazing man to stand next to me through it all.
Looking back at when we were single it's funny to think of how selfish we both were, but if marriage has taught me anything it's that selfishness cannot exist.
I love Robbie more now than I ever thought I could. I'm thankful for the pain we've endured through our marriage to make us realize how important we really are to each other. I'm thankful for the amazing memories we've created with each other, and I'm so grateful for the beautiful babies we've made together.
Marriage has been such an amazing, beautiful, loving journey and I'm so grateful that I get to live in it through all eternity. Happy 8 years Robbie, I love you.